For the third time in a row Malopolska Horses took part in French Anglo-Arab Championship during Pompadour Great Week Event. Each time Polish Anglo-Arabs classify at high positions. Here is a short summary of 2015 Polish team results.
Three Polish fillies in 3-year-old classes, and PZHK Prize
JODŁA m (by Juniperus, out of Jedlanka by Jun Bej), bred and owned by Bogusław Dąbrowski, repeated her last year?s success and won the 3rd studbook section class. TINA TURNER m (by Sentender, out of Tatiana by Efekt), bred and owned by Gustaw Leksa, placed 2nd; and ANABELL m (by Frazes, out of Armona by Decoration), bred and owned by Katarzyna Podkańska-Dziubińska, placed 6th in the class for fillies eligible for the 1st and 2nd studbook sections.
The prize for the best 3-year-old horse, funded by Polish Horse Breeders Association, went to a French colt Captain d?Ovalie (by Tinka?s Boy, out of Peps d?Ovalie by Exocet de Ceran), owned by Deniel Faille.
Two colts and three fillies in the 2-year-old 1st and 2nd studbook section classes
EGER m (by Top Gun, out of Elekcja by Puszczyk), bred and owned by Marcin Paw, received the highest note for free-jumping and placed 2nd out of 11 colts. LOTOS m (by Huzar, out of Lotta by Top Gun), bred and owned by Michał and Iwona Wolski, placed 4th receiving the same high note for conformation as the class winner.
MODENA m (by Szkrab, out of Mocca by Baryt), bred and owned by Aleksander Łoj, Placed 3rd with the highest note for conformation. ARSZAFIRA MA-WI-AA m (by Saganek, out of Aragona by Szał), bred and owned by Magdalena Wiśniewska-Martyniuk, and ANTYLYA m (by Szkrab, out of Akustyka by Jung), bred and owned by Aleksander Łoj, placed 5th and 6th respectively.
Polish Horse Breeders Association sincerely congratulates all breeders mentioned on the international success of Polish Anglo-Arabs.
Complete results: