/   Dressage, Time for Polish Horses

Anna Lukasik and Stella Pack Ganda sp win Polish Dressage Championship

For the second year in a row Polish-bred mare Stella Pack Ganda sp won Polish Dressage Championship! The 12-year-old mare by Celtik sp, out of Grammy han. by Glückspilz han, was bred by Katarzyna Milczarek-Jasińska, and is now ridden by the owner – Anna Łukasik.

The pair received a Special Prize of the President of Polish Horse Breeders Association for the Best Polish-bred Horse at National Dressage Championships. The prize was given by Michał Wierusz-Kowalski ? Head Editor of PZHK “Hodowca i Jeździec” quarterly magazine.

Polish Dressage Championships results

Photo by Julia Świętochowska

