During the CSI3 * competition in Braunschweig in Germany, on March 22, Jarosław Skrzyczyński on JERICO sp (Wieland thür. ? Jennifer sp / Ever for Pleasure han.), bred and owned by Remigiusz Makowski, took second place in the highest competition on the first day (150 cm).
MJT Nevados S sp (Calvados Z Z ? Nestia sp / Romualdo KWPN) bred by Stanisław Szurik owned by MJT Marcelewo, achieved the best result of all pairs ? 33.45 p. in the Grand Prix competition of Saut Hermes competitions held at the Grand Palais in Paris. Unfortunately, the mistake at the entrance into the combination caused that, Gregory Wathelet and MJT Nevados S finally took 6th place.

Zachęcamy też Państwa do uważnego obserwowania jak rozwija się kariera młodego, siedmioletniego konia Essex sp (Eldorado van de Zeshoek TN BWP ? Estella sp / Luron KWPN). Podczas zawodów CSIYH2* w Vilamoura (Portugalia) dwukrotnie zajął drugie miejsce w konkursie dla koni 7-letnich (145 cm)!